---ITA: La Capri-Napoli migliore gara di nuoto in acque libere del mondo per il 2021. Ha vinto l’Award promosso dalla World Open Water Swimming Association. Ha fatto meglio della gara olimpica di Tokyo. Ma anche di prove internazionali prestigiose come Tampa Bay in Florida, Coronado Swim negli Usa, Rottnest in Australia e la sfida dello Stretto di Bonifacio. La Capri-Napoli, competizione che si svolge sulla distanza di 36 km, quella cioè che divide l’isola azzurra dal capoluogo campano, si è aggiudicata gli annuali Wowsa Awards (World Open Water Swimming Association), il riconoscimento che premia ogni anno la più importante prova di nuoto di fondo. QUI il comunicato completo
---ENG: It did better than the Tokyo Olympic competition. But also prestigious international trials such as Tampa Bay in Florida, Coronado Swim in the USA, Rottnest in Australia and the challenge of the Strait of Bonifacio. The Capri-Naples, a competition that takes place over a distance of 36 km, the one that divides the blue island from the Campania capital, has won the annual Wowsa Awards (World Open Water Swimming Association), the recognition that annually rewards the most important bottom swimming test.
The officialization came directly from the United States. The jurors from all over the world involved in the award promoters - starting with the founder of the world open water swimming association Steven Munatones - voted for the Capri-Naples, who had to choose among the fifteen finalist tests. Among these for 2021 there was also the Olympic test held on Japanese soil. But even the charm of the five circles did not stop the climb to victory in the Gulf marathon. Satisfied the organizer of the Capri-Naples, Luciano Cotena, head of Eventalmente Eventi & Comunicazione: "I am really proud - he says - to learn that our traditional swimming marathon, with a long history of 56 editions, has been voted as the best event of the 2021. First of all, I would like to thank strongly all those who voted for the Capri-Naples, above all because there were many other important competitions from all over the world, including the Olympic marathon. And this, in a very difficult year, during which, despite the particular situation, with a global pandemic in progress, we strongly wanted to organize the competition and we never stopped. This important award, therefore, is really special for us and represents the right recognition for the work done and because it comes from people who know very well and fully live the world of world swimming marathons ".
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